hello all Donnie Darko fans,

I was recently watching Donnie Darko and i relised that Frank the bunnym looks alot like Ling-Ling on the Halo 2 Zanzibar easter egg (see my previous blogs for that). The sign says "Are you seeing ling-Ling's head?" and in the new movie from the director of Donnie Darko, which is called SouthLand Tales, and is very confusing, i would recemmound seeing. There is pitures of Franks head all over "DeepThroats" hideout. This all probly means nothing, but Bungie, being the sneaky b-astards they are, probly did it some how. Pleas feel free to comment and give your say on this matter.

Skull-Seeker 4 life!!!...

Im doing this at school again, lol
