Gave lift of DEATH!!!

Heelloooo alllll,

On the map construct, make a forge map and do absolutly nothing except block life sides of were u land wen u come up the grav lift and other than that, test the lift and put two grav lifts excatly were u land so its a death trap wen u come up, i ve done it and it makes a gooood movie on u-tube, but it got taken off 4 two much swearing, they all quit my game and got dissed soooo much 4 getting killed, its HILARIOUS!!!!!

-Skull-Seeker 4 life!!!

Oh Bungie, can I have some decent maps?

I've said it once and I'll say it again. Halo 3's maps plain suck. They're bad in just about every way. With the soon to be released DLC I'm hoping and praying that Bungie can redeem themselves and even get me interested in Halo 3 again. So what do I think is wrong with Halo 3's maps? Well read on.

There has to be some attention given to the make up a Halo game here. It's an interesting thing to consider Halo 1 maps in relation to those that had vehicles. Only the two big maps (Blood Gulch and Sidewinder) had them and the rest of the maps played without vehicles.
